Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fortune Cookie

I know not everyone believes in god, but I do and this story is just absolutely crazy and amazing whether you believe in him or not <3

So, I broke down yesterday - and decided not to go to school. It was a half a day any ways! So I completely vented out to my mom (yup I'm pathetic) but I've had no clue on what to do. She loves to give advice. I'll write what i said to her, but i was going on and on so don't expect it to make any sense...

"Mom! I'm tired of this. It hurts my heart hurts and you're probably gonna laugh at me and tell me I'm only a teenager but don't say that- I'm fully aware of my age! I'm not fully aware of what I'm feeling though. My heart hurts and that's not an exaggeration it legit HURTS and its not only heart ache- my whole body feels like its gonna shatter! I don't know if its love or just me being an obsessive annoying bitch! He says he loves her... he said he LOVES her! When you love someone can you love only one person? Because I want him to love me like I love him, he once did! I promise you mom, i love him I may not be IN love with him- but its so close! But, if he loves her, I would hate her but i don't because she makes him happy- do you see what he's doing to me?! He's making me like a girl who is beating me, she winning him and i like her just because he's happy!" (i start laughing because I'm so embarrassed i just confessed my love life to my mother)

Then my mom say "hmmm... i know why you don't hate this girl. It's because she makes him happy - and when you love someone its their happiness that matters to you, not yourself"

Then  I say "I should be more selfish... ha ha... but, then again, I don't think he's truly happy."

Then my mom says, "make him happy."

Then I say, "This is so awkward. make him happy that could be interpreted wrongly... what do I do?? What can I do?! i don't want to interfere. help me"

Then my mom says "I'm not gonna help you on this one. Ask god for help."

Then I say, "God has more important situations than my teenage love life."

Then my mom says, "God knows better than anyone how you feel. He gave you those feelings. You never know! I have to go to work. Relax. I love you."

Then i say,"Love you too."

Twenty minutes later i go upstairs in my cabinet to take Tylenol because i had a massive head ache and there's a random fortune cookie. So i say out loud "God i need advice; an answer - let this be yours..."
and I crack it open...
and read...
"Right now, more than ever, you need to be patient."

And i screamed <3

but, I'm very grateful <3

*** this story is not exaggerated at all***


  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    you should have added the fact that you called me on the phone and screamed <3 haha

  2. oops hee hee well now EVERYONE I CALLED FRAN AND I SCREAMED!! <3

  3. Hmm i often think that God has more important things to take care of than my problems as well, because I feel extremely lucky and blessed, yet not real happy, it's just my age I guess.

  4. i think everyone has the problems at one point. and god i think has a plan for all of us. and even if something hurts, its all part of the plan and hopefully that will lead us to something that make us seem happier... :)
