Friday, February 25, 2011

Time Period

This world;
I hate to say it -
but its going to hell

this time period
is so advanced
its hard to compete

and the things we are building
the technology
is better than us
we created something bigger than us

I'd like myself better,
if I was born into the correct time period
maybe i belong in the past?
Where it would be old fashioned
more modesty
and when songs were descent
and weren't including getting high
or having sex

maybe I'd like myself better
in the future
where no one was lesser than anyone else
and all the low life creeps
wouldn't live in it
(survival of the fitest, sweetheart)

maybe I'd like myself better
if there were more people
that didn't think they were judges
because the people
born in this time period
are the people who make it suck

no one's perfect; don't need to
tell me that twice
but maybe the life i'm living would be better...
maybe this time period would be better
if every person took a minute to think
am I making someone else's life harder to live?

If the answer's yes -
how about you change that?


  1. hmmmmmm......... gotta think about that for a minute..... not as far as I know, but I tend to unconsciously avoid things that are right under my nose :/

  2. ^^^ accomplishment
    my writing made you think xD

  3. true, I don't do that often, ya know, being blonde and all.... lol
