Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I'm sick...
So I'm VERY sick at home not allowed
to go back to school until Friday -.-
and i have pnemonia, bronchitus
severe sinus infection,
 and double ear infection

and I'm laying half- dead on my couch
(yesterday I was in the hosptial)
and all I can do is stay in bed
eat oatmeal
and drink hot chocolate
or atleast thats all I'm chosing to do

so I decide to go on the internet
and im just browsing the internet
and see a gross disturbing add
which makes my stomach turn
so I log off

then I'm trying to
figure out how to use my new inhaler
cus of my bronchitus and pnemoia
yeah, I'm pretty sure I over dosed on that

then my stupid nose spray
made me sneeze for like five minutes straight

my pill is so big
I could choke on it

but anyways I just wanted to complain
and I hope no one wasted their time reading this...
but if you did
you are a good person
but you need to get a life

1 comment:

  1. Aha! I was right! I knew that if I needed to get a life I would be the last one to know! lol
